Thursday, January 31, 2008

Weekend's here! Have a can o' beer!

...or bottle, mug, whatever your preference.

Still not thrilled that our dog of 4 weeks actually snapped at 2 other dogs on leashes at Petco last Saturday. First time I saw him do that. He's only about 18 months old so he can be pretty bratty. Obedience class tonight was good. He did well except for the fact that there were other dogs there. He's more fearful than aggressive though. He's such a sweet, fun and adorable dog otherwise. So happy we took the plunge :)

Celebrity Apprentice was a doozy tonight. Two hours of B-list has-beens go at it for a good cause. I still think Trump is the shiz-nit. He's witty, sincere, assertive and has this huge aura of power that surrounds him wherever he goes. I need to go digging and find some way that I might possibly be related to him...

No matter what happens, I can hardly keep from going to bed before midnight even though I get up around choice. I can technically go into work anywhere between 6-10am, as long as I put in 8 hours. Nice to have that freedom. I just like coming in early because practically no one is around, it's quiet, traffic's great and I get out early. Still would LOVE to be able to telecommute at least a couple times a week. Everything I do is computer-based. Great for the environment too. Probably going to mention it to my boss next time I get a chance.

See? It's already after midnight! I go sleepy time now.

Lakers and stuff

Mobile post sent by radiojoe using Utterz. Replies. mp3

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


There's nothing like finding out your employer is going to layoff a bunch of workers by reading it on the Internet. Well, we did hear about it already and had a meeting with our director to disspell any rumors. However, it turns out the numbers are going to be higher than previously thought. I do kinda like my job. It's the longest job I've ever had...going on 6 years now. It's great working for a company that's a household name. Lots of perks, laid-back work environment, free Last year was the worst ever. I don't need another bad one.

I think I'm getting addicted to Sprite. Second night in a row I just had to have one before bedtime.

Doggy ownership has caused me to put off things I've been meaning to get to like editing a video that needs to be done before Valentine's Day, responding to e-mails,'s like taking care of a baby.

Thoughts and prayers go out to a member of my extended family who's sister-in-law just passed suddenly last night.

Still getting the hang of this blogging. Hopefully will get more interesting soon.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lunch tomorrow?

Shall it be the other half of my Subway Italian BMT or the beef stew on rice my wife brought back from the Hawaiian place? We'll see.

It was nice returning to Life Teen Mass today. It's been a few weeks.

Had a craving for Sprite so I'm guzzling it down right before bedtime. Yeah, probably not the best thing to do but oh well.

I just noticed we still have 1 Christmas decoration up on top of our big @ss CD cabinet: a tabletop tree made of little, multi-colored ball ornaments. Might be a good time to put it away.

Laptop annoyance: "Annoyance" is putting it lightly. Does this happen to anyone else? This trackpad is so friggin' sensitive that, almost every time I start typing, one of my hands lightly brushes the pad causing the cursor to jump to where the mouse pointer is. I end up typing on a completely different line. I'm not sure if I can change a setting preventing that from happening or do I have to change how I type on a laptop?

Wife is passed out on the couch, 'Bo is zonked out on his bed, I have to get up at 6 tomorrow. I better chug the rest of this Sprite now...goodnight bloggy.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Months have passed. Better to just talk about what's going on now...

Entering week 3 of doggy ownership. Kwyjibo likes to sneak up on the couch when we're not looking. He's not supposed to be there unless we say it's okay...only a few times so far. He looks too cute curled up in the pillows it's hard for us to tell him to get down! Ran a couple doggy errands today. He was shaking like crazy when I lifted him up on the exam table at the vet today. He snapped at 2 dogs at Petco... :( Hadn't seen him be that aggressive before. Hope the training helps. Headed to Uncle Tony Catalla's daughter's b-day in Alhambra around 5. I don't even know her. Some Chinese place. We'll be there 2 hours tops. Have to get back to editing Steve & Allison's engagement video. Listening to Robyn right now ("Robyn is Here" album). She went all dance in her latest album. I much prefer the soulful stuff. Okay, it's almost 4:30 and I have no idea what I'm wearing...then again, I'm a guy. Mmmbuhbye...