Monday, March 31, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Layoff week 4

What a month it's been. For those uninformed (as if I've got tons of readers), I was laid off my job at Yahoo! on February is business. I had a nasty feeling the day it happened...then BAM! "Joey? Can you come with me?..." Ugh. Anyway, that same day, a friend called me up asking if I was interested in doing some video work for the sound studio where he freelances. A few days later, I met The Rock, then Justin Long (the Mac guy from the TV comm'ls) and then Sean William Scott ("American Pie", "Dukes of Hazzard"). I videotaped their faces so that they could be animated for a movie coming out next year ("Planet 51"). Easy gig...good money. It was only temporary though...a week and a half. Since then, I was sort of offered a job from an old boss of mine. Problem is that it's just another "job"...not particularly interesting, commute is twice as long, but pays good and they play online video games sometimes. We'll see. I've also gone to a couple career transition workshops that have been very helpful. I'm really hoping to do something different, more creative and rewarding with more freedom. Actually, what I'd rather do is what I'm doing now (getting up at the crack o'10am, eating Frosted Flakes, websurfing, walking my dog and watching Hi-Def TV) but get paid for it...hehe. One can dream.

My time has run out so, that is all. Please comment. kthxbai!

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Saturday, March 1, 2008