Friday, January 22, 2010

Hey! It's 2010! Let's record!

It's been raining everyday since Monday, but it looks like it's starting to taper off. I don't mind it really. Always nice to have actual "weather" here in L.A.

So yeah. Here we are back at Schloemer, the wife, Martin, Diane, Amy (Rock S.A.L.T.'s #1 fan!) and Kwyjibo. We all just enjoyed a good Mexican dinner from Leo's down the coma. We're listening to the songs we've already recorded to see if we need to tweak them. We just had a discussion about "Pants on the Ground" from a recent "American Idol" episode. I just told everyone I'm blogging about this and Diane asked "Why?" Speaking of Diane, she revealed another (musical) talent which we'll find out about on the new CD. I will say that I, personally, was very pleasantly surprised. That's all I'll say for now!

Just listened to "Illuminate"...probably needs to be re-done, mainly percussion, vocals. I lost the tempo at one point during the song. Seems I need to play congas instead of bongos on it. The chimes & triangle are a nice addition :)

Fast forward about 2 hours or so....

Wife and I are already home. Much of the rest of the night was spent deciding what parts we wanted on what songs. We now need to talk to the rest of the band and come up with a rough recording schedule. I believe we will have 16 songs total on the next CD. I mentioned how I wanted to write a song but, we may not have room for it. I thought maybe we could make a limited edition bonus CD with extra stuff on it. Martin had a great idea: put some bonus stuff online...bonus tracks, outtakes, commentary, etc. I think we'll do that. I don't have a clear idea as to what type of song I want to write but, I do intend on following through with it.

Travis, Martin's roommate and lead guitarist in his other band, West Rd., popped in a couple times to shoot the breeze. He actually offered a bit of helpful advice on a song Melissa was working on.

Well, that's about it for now. Hopefully my next entry will come sooner. Now, off to enjoy hot cocoa while watching Team Coco's last "Tonight Show" (BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)... Mmmbuh bye.